
Perfume Tincture of Orange Jasmine Flowers

  Perfume Tincture of Orange Jasmine Flowers by  Anya McCoy  |  May 4, 2015  |  Anya's Garden Perfumes ,  natural aromatics ,  natural perfume ,  Perfume From Your Garden book ,  raw materials of perfumery  |  13 comments First, I have to thank my new garden assistant, because he was the first one in three years who followed my instructions to radically prune back my orange jasmine tree (Murraya paniculata) so that I would get lots of flowers. The pruning is needed to produce new growth, and the flowers appear on the new growth. Other gardeners just wouldn’t do it, fearing I would not like the woody, bare look of the tree, but I’m a horticulturist and botanist, and I had the tree managed for many years that way, but I just couldn’t convince them. Oh, well, thank you, Eric, you not only pruned it back, but in doing so, you discovered some hummingbird nests, which was wonderful. The snakes, not so much, but they were chased off to protect the birds. hummingbird nests in orange jasmin

Ambrette Seeds for Perfume Project Mailed Out

  Ambrette Seeds for Perfume Project Mailed Out by  Anya McCoy  |  Apr 30, 2015  |  Anya's Garden Perfumes ,  Giveaway ,  natural aromatics ,  natural perfume ,  raw materials of perfumery  |  4 comments I have great news: I had the seeds planted in my Miami garden on Tuesday, April 21, when the moon was in an infertile sign, Gemini. I had to have my garden helper plant them, and that was the only day she was available. I would have loved fertile Cancer, but sometimes you have to go with the flow. Well, despite brutally hot weather, when I was out there watering the patch twice a day, and then massive downpours, the seeds germinated! I didn’t take a photo yet, because lots of little weed seedlings also popped up, and it looked messy, but here’s a photo of okra seedlings germinating, and ambrette is closely related, so they look like this: okra cotyledons (first leaves). from – cotyledons are not true leaves, they emerge next. All of the seeds are packed