A Natural Perfumers Guild Project - Home for the Holidays Ambient Fragrance - Plus a Giveaway!

Added: Good luck to everyone in the draw! (See below in the comments section) Elena of Perfume Shrine blog reviewed my Room Candy, and she is hosting a draw over there - so leave a comment on her blog and you will double your chances of winning! http://www.perfumeshrine.blogspot.gr/2012/11/home-for-holidays-home-fragrance-project.html xoxo Anya As the holiday season approaches, and homes and apartments are closed up against the cold weather, thoughts turn to making the indoors fragrant - naturally. Home for the Holidays is the Natural Perfumers Guild's answer to indoor natural fragrance for this time of year. Call them room fragrance, ambient fragrance, the terms mean one thing - make your place smell nice! Flora, the Guild muse, is bundled up with boots and a sweater to ward off the chilly weather. When she goes inside, she can enjoy the Home for the Hoilday scents. Ambient fragrances include scented candles, potpourri, incense, room sprays, reed...