Ask the Perfumer March 23, 2014 Perfume Bottle Lust and International Fragrance Day
Ask the Perfumer March 23, 2014 Perfume Bottle Lust and International Fragrance Day by Anya McCoy | Mar 23, 2014 | natural perfume | 7 comments Boule bottles of Je Reviens perfume from Worth March 21st was International Fragrance Day, and I posted about it on Facebook and included this photo of some bottles from my vintage perfume collection. Oh, if only we artisan perfumers had the resources to obtain bottles such as this! Not only are these beauties frosted, but the stars are also raised, so you have lots of sensory pleasure when you pick one up, and then, when you open it, the final pleasure – the perfume. Enough about that! It’s only a bit discouraging, and I’m here to encourage you to ask questions about perfume making. I’ll be here until 10 PM ET USA, and I’ll take breaks from writing the Perfume From Your Garden book and blending some perfumes to answer your questions. 7 Comments Mary H Anderson on March 23, 2014 at 1:42 pm...