The Pregnant Perfumer and a giveaway
Originally posted April 4, 2013 Today I have a special guest blogger, Hemla S., an Israeli student at the Natural Perfumery Institute . She was a little overdue getting her assignments to me, and she wrote…well, the spoiler is at the end of the blog. Hemla: I remember when pregnant with my eldest, prior to giving birth, I read a lot about labor, the human anatomy, the hormones in action, and how to combine all these different aspects of the human to allow a truly empowering birth to happen. I read an article that discussed how to know how dilated the laboring woman is, without actually checking her cervix –the pupils, behavior, sounds made by the woman and more. one thing that really caught my attention: it said, that just before giving birth there is a smell in the room, many people forget it was there, but if you mention it to a woman who had given birth, or she smells it again she will say ‘oh yes’ the article said there is a distinctly animal smell in the air befor...