
Showing posts with the label rifm

Natural Perfume lovers: "there has never been a safer time to spray yourself in synthetic fragrance (even though no data exists for some 20-30% of fragrance ingredients). "

You know I can't take an outrageous statement like that lying down.  It comes from this poorly-written and poorly-researched article: They don't allow comments there, but I welcome them here, where they will be out on the Internet.  Please post your feelings!

Please spread this letter to all natural aromatics groups and blogs - EU-based bad science is once again gunning for natural aromatics

Hello Everyone: For those of you who know me and know how long and how hard I have fought against the creeping over-regulation of natural aromatics, please be aware that here is a new threat: a thesis from a student who seems to be on track with the bad science and agenda of RIFM. I hope you can perhaps give back to the natural aromatics community by paying attention to our fight against the US Food and Drug Administrations Global Harmonization Act of 2009, which is the way the EU anti-naturals, anti-small business agenda makers are getting their foot in the door of our government. It will mean the end of our businesses, and perhaps even the end of our access to natural oils for home use. I've already posted this on the Natural Perfumers Guild blog and my blog, and I urge you to do the same if you have a blog, and also send it to relevant aromatherapy or perfumery groups you may be on. Anya Here is Tony's open letter - please spread it across the internet and if you can, work i...