Perfume and Flavor Materials of Natural Origin now under $20!


Perfume and Flavor Materials of Natural Origin now under $20!

by  | Nov 2, 2017 | How to Make Perfumenatural aromaticsnatural perfumery courseNatural Perfumery Yahoo groupraw materials of perfumery | 3 comments

In 2003, a member of the Natural Perfumery group I host on Yahoo got in touch with the folks at Allured Publishing (Now Allured Business Media) and asked them if they could make the Perfume and Flavor Materials of Natural Origin (PFMNO) book available aside from the three-volume set written by Steffen Arctander. The other two volumes held little interest to natural perfumers since they were on the subject of synthetics.

Hardback version of Steffen Arctander's Perfume and Flavor Materials of Natural Origin

The hardback version of Steffen Arctander’s Perfume and Flavor Materials of Natural Origin

It was very difficult to find the PFMNO on eBay or other places for less than a small fortune, often around $700. I had snagged a book for $117 on UK eBay from a retired perfume chemist, but that was a rare score. Allured responded positively and began selling the volume for about $350 if I recall correctly. That was great, and many snapped it up. I developed a relationship with Allured, and they gave me 20-30% off with a coupon code I could publicize. What a great resource for us natural perfumers.

In the past few years, Allured has offered fewer books than before, and they are I suppose going through a business model re-do. The main publication I look forward to every month is Perfumery and Flavorist magazine, it’s relevant and educational.

So what is the PFMNO book about? Most regard it as the best reference for plant and animal essences used in perfume and flavors. I turn to it often, to clarify a point, dig deeper into research, or sometimes just for fun, to muse about these delightful fragrances we have for our art.

Imagine my surprise when I visited Abe Books, a supplier of used books I love for their great prices, and found that they’re now printing PFMNO on demand through Create Space, the branch of Amazon that prints on-demand books. This is where I get my textbook printed (unabashed plug: my perfume course is professional and comprehensive, and comes with a 350-page textbook).

Natural Perfumery Institute cover. Textbook is written by Anya McCoy.

Just visit this page on Abe Books and order PFMNO and you won’t be sorry you did. In fact, you should rejoice in this new age of fabulous opportunities to own such a classic book.


  1. FANTASTIC.. I forget how many hundreds I paid for my old hardcover.. (yellow cover) close to 20 years ago… THANK YOU for sharing this, Anya! I’ve shared the blog in our FB page and some groups. (and maybe some budding perfumers will be intrigued by your course!

  2. Thanks Anya!!!

  3. Thanks so much Anya for sharing as you do. Means a lot to us budding perfumers.


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