Jasmine Syrup Perfume for your mouth!
Jasmine Syrup Perfume for your mouth!
So many jasmines, so much fun! You can do this with any non-toxic, organic fragrant flower you have in your garden, and the tasty syrup is fabulous in cocktails, drizzeled over ice cream or cake, or anything you can think of!
Pick the flowers when they’re at the height of fragrance, and quickly process them. Pick over any wilted flowers, or any stems. Here’s the quick and easy recipe:
Flower Simple Syrup
2 cups of sugar
2 cups of water
2 cups of flowers
Place the sugar and water in a saucepan, and stir constantly while bringing to a boil. Once it’s boiled, remove from the heat, and add the flowers, gently stirring them into the syrup. Cover and allow to cool or up to three hours. Strain the flowers out, using a stainless steel strainer, into a sterile jar, cover, and refrigerate.
Help. 1. I’m positive I signed up to purchase your book some time ago, but don’t know when I will receive it.
2. I am in the midst of my first enfleurage. With gardenias. The coconut fat is now in ball jars with 200 proof alcohol
…how do I separate this mixture? I’ve looked everywhere and find no answer
Hi Kathryn
The book will be released and shipped on July 31. Thank you for your preorder, and you’ve locked in the price by doing so. You need to agitate the mixture daily by shaking the jar. Do that for a few weeks. Then you will filter it with coffee filters and a stainless steel funnel into a clean jar. Press down on the pomade with a stainless steel spoon to extract as much alcohol as possible. You may wish to use the pomade in solid perfumes, etc. HTH.
Best wishes,