
Ask the Perfumer - Sunday, June 20, 2010 - 10 a.m. to 10 PM EST

OK, ready for your questions starting at 10 a.m. Sunday.  I hope everyone is enjoying Father's Day, either with your Dad or reminiscing about fond memories of him.

Ask the Perfumer - Sunday, June 13, 2010 - 10 a.m. to 10 PM EST

OK, ready for your questions starting at 10 a.m. Sunday. One or two folks asked questions on off-days this past week, and if you'd be so kind to repost them in this thread, I'll be happy to answer them.

Anya's Garden Perfumes, and others featured in a New York Times article on "Making Flowers Into Perfume"

Photo of Andrine Olson from the New York Times article on Making Flowers into Perfume. Andrine is the editor for my Natural Perfumery textbook, soon to be published. T he New York Times carried an article on professionals and hobbyists who are extracting the scent of plants from their garden to make perfume. Andrine Olson and Maggie Mahboubian Diana Burrell-Shipton from the Natural Perfumery Yahoo group I host also got on board, along with a lady who is an urban gardener in Bedford-Stuyvesant in New York. Only two of us were lucky enough to get links to our websites included, and I can say I'm SWAMPED with orders. Funny thing is, I had closed my online store because June is so busy for me with students and special projects. I have an assistant coming in tomorrow to help with bottling and labeling. Plus, I created new juice today faster than I ever have - MoonDance flies out of here, and I was low on two other perfumes. Oh, plus I had to create Kudra for the Mystery of Musk projec

Cropwatch: The Role of Risk Aversion in the Decline of the Perfumery Art - presented at the World Perfumery Congress, 2010

The Role of Risk Aversion in the Decline of the Perfumery Art Tony Burfield, Cropwatch Click here to download the pdf of this post World Perfumery Congress, Cannes 2nd June 2010. (Anya's note: I've muddled thru the pdf and powerpoint of this speech Tony gave at the WPC and have to the best of my abilities, made a decent facsimile of the original so that the content may be archived on the internet. To read the original, please download the pdf, linked. PS We're very proud to have Tony as a member of the Natural Perfumers Guild, and I have collaborated with him previously in attempts to expose the bad science and bad politics of the EU, IFRA, et al.) Cropwatch’s actions. Cropwatch is a 6-7 year old non-financed independent watchdog for the aroma & natural products trades. It has waged campaigns against (amongst others): • Over-exploitation of rare & threatened aromatic species (see Cropwatch website for A-Z data-base). • Impending citr

Ask The Perfumer - Sunday, June 6, 2010

Well, due to family emergencies, I totally forgot to have an "Ask the Perfumer" last Sunday! I think I remembered on Tuesday or Wednesday. Yes, it's been that hectic. So, I'm actually posting this on Saturday, the 5th, and I'll open the blog for questions now.

Two of the Natural Perfumers Guild Perfumers have blogged on the Mystery of Musk project so far

Ambrosia Jones' Perfume by Nature JoAnne Bassett Perfumes

IFRA is backing down on some perfume ingredient bans - but not enough

I ignore IFRA. I'm an independent artisan perfumer who is not a member of an organization that is a member of IFRA, so I have no danger of being "publicly shamed" (their words) if I use an aromatic that exceeds their allowable levels, or is prohibited by IFRA. I know the dangers of phototoxicity, allergens, and other problems that may be caused by some aromatics, and I take care forumulating my perfumes to safeguard the safety of my customers as much as possible.  There is a backlash against IFRA, and this shows their weakening stance. Since their regs are built upon, IMO, bad science, I hope it all goes away soon and the mainstream perfumes of old can return.  Here's a link to their latest statement, where the effervescent Jean-Pierre Houri talks about how “This year’s Amendment will hardly affect the palettes of perfumers.” Well, they've destroyed the palettes of perfumers in the past few decades, and that's why many mainstream perfumes smell like

Worst Perfume Bottles - a funny slideshow

Not that I have any time to waste, since I'm up to my eyeballs in work, but I stumbled on this website and had to share.

The Mystery of Musk - A Natural Perfumers Guild Project

A Natural Perfumers Guild Internet Project June – July 2010 Who: The Perfumers of the Natural Perfumers Guild and Internet Bloggers and Forum members. Only 10 perfumers will be selected in a random draw, conducted by a third party. This is to avoid an excessive number of participants, which can overwhelm the evaluators. This is a cooperative blogging event, and the bloggers should link to the other blogger’s websites. You will be provided with an image to post on your blog that will be the unifying visual for the co-op. Why: To celebrate the Fourth Anniversary of the Guild. We think it would be a great idea to get out there on the Internet blogs and forums with a creative, artistic expression of our beloved perfume base note, the musk. Where: Internet blogs, Basenotes and the Yahoo Natural Perfumery group . What: Musk, musk and more musk. Perfumistas are fascinated with musk, there is no doubt about that, so The Mystery of Musk is the theme. P

A Scented Adventure - Frolicking in Anya's Garden of Perfume

Thank you, Donna Hathaway, for the lovely reviews posted today on Perfume Smelling Things

How do you choose a perfumery instructor?

I've rewritten some of the homepage for my online natural perfumery course at Anya's Garden Natural Perfumery Institute , and I've added some Q & A about how to choose an instructor. Not many potential students knew who I was, or my credentials before I began teaching online in 2007, but I had some independently-reviewed perfumes to my credit, and five years of helping aspiring perfumers for free in the Yahoo group I host . I also had about 15 years of experience with a perfume line - Anya's Tropical Essences - and both private label and custom perfume creation. I'll soon be admitting students year-round, due to the high demand for a place in the class. After I cut off the registration in February, more than a dozen students wrote in the week following that, and, at first I was going to begin a new semester in October 2010, but after speaking with other veteran online instructors, am going to allow the open admittance policy. Here are some of the benefits o

Ask The Perfumer - Sunday, May 23rd, 2010

Just a reminder to everyone - post your questions to me in this thread.

Anya's Garden Perfumes MoonDance and Fairchild Reviewed on Cafleurebon

I created this graphic collage for Fairchild Perfume when it was released. When I remember back to 2005 and the resistance among perfumistas to natural perfumes, I can only smile at how we're being accepted now by mainstream perfume reviewers. As many on the forums say "I don't care now if a perfume is natural or contains synthetics, I only want a perfume to smell beautiful." Mark Behnke, who writes for Cafleurebon and Basenotes, and who has reviewed 500 perfumes in his career, is definitely someone who keeps an open mind about natural perfumes. I am truly awed by the power my first release, Fairchild, had over him. I'm so happy it brought back memories of walks with his father in Fairchild Gardens, which was the real world place I based this perfume upon. The other review on Cafleurebon today is by Rodney Hughes, a Professional Perfumer in the Natural Perfumers Guild. Rodney creates gorgeous perfumes himself, and imagine my surprise when he declared my

"Ask the Perfumer" - a Feature of Anya's Garden Perfumes - Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hi Everyone: I'll be here for questions about perfumery until 9PM EST USA tonight. I've had to put the blog on moderated comment status because of Chinese spam, so there may be a delay between your posting your question and me OKing it for the blog.