
Ask the Perfumer - Sunday, February 20, 2011 - until 10 PM EST

I've just dashed in, ready for perfumery questions.  I hope everyone is enjoying a beautiful day!

Ask the Perfumer - Sunday, February 13, 2011 - until 10 PM EST

I'll be in and out of the studio today, but don't hesitate to leave your questions, I'll get to all of them.  I love checking the stats for this feature, and seeing all the hits from all over the world. Some check back over and over in the course of a day, so it's obvious this feature really interests you!  If there are 700 hits, maybe I only get five questions, but everyone is sharing in the answers.  Don't be afraid to post, because those of you who do post to me via email know I point you right back here ;-)

Ask the Perfumer - Sunday, Feb 6, 2011 - 10 a.m. to 10 PM EST

Ah, Bob Marley's birthday!  Any hemp oil related questions? Maybe pimento oil (the best is from Jamaica)? I'll be in and out throughout the day, enjoying the highest temps in the nation right now.  Miami rocks in February!

Sexy Valentine Perfume Sale and Busy Bee Newsletter - Anya's Garden Perfumes

This happy little bee was working away on my pink lemon tree yesterday I had a lot of fun putting this newsletter together, and for the first time ever, I got emails from readers telling me they loved it. Wow, what a nice Valentine to me! There's a typo in the link to the store where 25% off is the lover's gift.  Here's the correct link: The newsletter can be read at

The Natural Perfumers Guild project for 2011

The theme and details of the next Guild project will be revealed to the Guild perfumers on Tuesday, Feb. 1st. They will release the perfumes and the project will be launched on the Internet Oct. 1st, 2011.  I can say this much: it's an extension of the Outlaw Perfume project, although the words outlaw and perfume don't appear in the slogan ;-)

Ask the Perfumer - Sunday, January 30, 2011 - 10 a.m. to 10 PM EST

It's a beautiful day for perfume talk. I'll be gardening outside today, and thinking up new ways to extract scent from the lovely aromatic plants. What's your perfume question?

Ask the Perfumer - Sunday, Jan 23, 2011 - 10 a.m. to 10 PM EST

It's chilly here in Miami, only up to 70F today!  Still, the aglaia is blooming, some jasmines are blooming, and so the perfume making obsession is still fueled by nature.  Are you frozen in somewhere? Want to talk about the beautiful aromatics that make our life better? Ask your questions until 10PM EST USA today.

Natural Perfumers Guild: Administrative Manager and Bottle and Box projects

Admin Announcement from Anya McCoy, Guild President: The Natural Perfumers Guild Wekcines Elise Pearlstine as Administrative Manager.  Elise, the nose of Bellyflowers Perfumes , is taking on several projects as part of her duties for the Guild. First, Elise has inventoried and categorized all of the items in the Guild Scent Library.   As Perfumers and Associates join the Guild, they are requested to submit, according to their category, perhaps one full size bottle of perfume, and samples of their perfume line, or perhaps soaps, body lotions and other fragrant products.  It is important that we keep a reference library of the Perfumers products first and foremost, for historical purposes and also for PR and communication purposes.  Elise will contact Guild members who may need to send products to fill in the gaps of their materials in the Scent Libr...

Ask the Perfumer - Sunday, January 16, 2011 - until 10 PM EST

Lazy Sunday!  Still, I will persevere to answer your perfumery questions. 

You could win my Light or Amberess on Cafleurebon

You need to leave a comment to be in the running for the drawing to win perfumes. Light and Amberess are among a number of beautiful perfumes offered in a giveaway on Cafleurebon . Draw ends Thursday January 13, 2011 at 1 am and 11 seconds EST.

Ask the Perfumer - Sunday, January 9, 2011 - until 10 PM EST

It's the first Ask the Perfumer Sunday of the new year, and the new decade.  Happy New Year to everyone!  Got any perfumery questions? I'll be here unti l10 PM tonight.

What is the Essence of American Liberty? Comparing perfume making to government making

I must admit I have never seen an article like this before.  The writer obviously knows the basics of perfume making, and compares it to what is needed to, well, for want of a better phrase, government making. My goodness: What are the head chords, heart chords, and base chords of the American republic? Which of all the fragrances did our Founding Fathers mix to concoct the sweetest, most aromatic bouquet ever devised by the political perfumers of history? The evidence is in the product itself, and the various component spices are readily recognizable by one with a trained and discriminating nose. What do you think about this article?

Anya's Garden Perfumes - Light, an Outlaw Perfume Wins a "Best of 2010 Scents" award

I almost missed this mention of "Best Natural Fragrance" on Elena's list on Perfume Shrine! Here's what I wrote on Facebook about the award:  I adore my Light perfume. I was almost afraid to release it, as it went against my typical style, yet I was consumed with creating a modern "cologne" perfume, beautiful and wearable 24/7, year-round. Well, listen to your passion and don't hesitate, because Light was named Natural Fragrance of 2010 by Elena of Perfume Shrine.

The Best in Scent 2010: Rising Star of 2010 Award: Natural Perfumers Guild "Outlaw Perfumer (doing what they darn please."

I'm just soooo happy that the perfumers from the Guild followed me into Outlaw territory and won this award from Elena of Perfume Shrine: Rising Star of 2010 : "Outlaw" perfumers doing what they darn please irrespective of perfumery restriction, just for the heck of it. It was about time...