The Beauty of Aromatic Tinctures


The Beauty of Aromatic Tinctures

by  | Feb 24, 2014 | Anya's Garden PerfumesPerfume From Your Garden book | 2 comments

It’s not just the fragrance of the plant that is beautiful, some of the colors of the tinctures are gorgeous, too. These photos of some of my tinctures are about ten years old – it’s time to take some new photos! At the time, I put the jars on my windowsill, and the screen pattern came through, so I “smeared” the photos with a photo program. It made some of the colors morph a bit, and I loved it. They are all very close to the natural color of the tinctures, just a bit of an abstraction. The deerstongue green is spectacular. 

The deerstongue and Michela alba are the easiest/quickest to tincture of the four. They’ll be in the Perfume From Your Garden book (renamed Homemade Perfume, pub 2018). Sign up to be on my mailing list, there’ll be special offers for newsletter recipients when the book is released. I’m in the midst of step-by-step instructions for the tinctures right now, and I’m working to make it as easy as can be to follow the instructions.Four aromatic tinctures


  1. Gorgeous Anya!
    Great reminder of how rich these plant personalities are, even beyond their fragrant gifts.

  2. Anya, i see that you are an enthusiast of tinctures, so i have a question for you about them. Besides, according to what i read, their closest rendition to the small details in the materials tinctured, does they differ in performance on skin? I mean, are they as strong as the aroma extracted by other means?


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