Surprise! A Natural Perfumery Treasure – Free Online


Surprise! A Natural Perfumery Treasure – Free Online

by  | Jul 1, 2014 | Anya McCoyenfleurageGiveawayraw materials of perfumerystudy perfumery | 9 comments

(Update — Thanks to the three readers who did find it downloadable on this site at ) I will be so excited tonight when I get to draw the name of the winner of the print copy of the iconic natural perfumery book Natural Perfume Materials by Naves and Mazayur (1947). It was at the bottom of p. 40 where I found a passage on powder enfleurage that inspired my experiments and the giveaway. Click here to read more, including specific instructions on how to accomplish powder and vapor essence enfleurage.

But it just gets better! I began to search around the Internet, hoping to find a .pdf version of the book for sale, because although I love to hold a book in my hands and flip pages, moving back and forth as I research, a .pdf version is great for searching specific terms, and quite speedy. I didn’t find a .pdf, but I did locate a free Adobe Flash version of the book, and it’s great. The pages can be enlarged, the contrast is crisp and clear, and it is searchable. Click here to read the book, bookmark this site for your online library, and enjoy this vintage book, full of incredible information and history. I love sharing information about perfumery, and although I realize you may not wish to study perfumery, you may enjoy delving into the processes by which these lovely botanicals are turned into gorgeous essences. You may also have someone in your life who is interested in studying perfumery, and this book will be a great aid to them. My best wishes for enjoyment with this book!

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Illustrations and Table of Contents from Natural Perfume Materials by Naves and Mazuyer

Illustrations and Table of Contents from Natural Perfume Materials by Naves and Mazuyer. Click to enlarge.


  1. WOW ! Great news 🙂

  2. I love the fact that the old books can be found on the internet..
    ..thank you.

  3. Hi Anya. The first link didn’t work. I’m not sure why.

    • Hi Again, the second link didn’t work for me either. The error message said I didn’t have a key. I’m sorry, maybe I’m not subscribed?

  4. Hi, Anya. The second link didn´t work. I received the same message as Anna Marie Isgro.
    Thank you anyway.

    • The saem for me… The links (both) are not working… So interesting information in this book!

  5. None of the links work for me, neither the two here on the site nor the one in the newsletter 🙁


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