March 21 – National Fragrance Day Perfume, Flowers, Food, all thing that smell wonderful!

 Originally posted March 21, 2013

Did you know every March 21 is National Fragrance Day in the USA?  There’s no history on the origin of this holiday that I could find, but that won’t stop me from celebrating 😉  I’m conducting my organoleptic evaluation of the new-to-the-market Meyer Lemon oil today, so that’ll be part of my nod to the day’s theme.  So as you go out tonight, or cozy in, find something wonderful to sniff and appreciate, and thank God for giving us noses!

A photo of a Vietnamese gardenia flower in my garden.  This photo is one of my favorites, it's so pristine and stylized at the same time.

A photo of a Vietnamese gardenia flower in my garden. This photo is one of my favorites, it’s so pristine and stylized at the same time.


  1. Oh, how great! I saw the Meyer Lemon tree at Homedepot yesterday and I refrained from buying it ($29.00) because I have a new Kazanlink rose to care. It is an intense but soft citrus smell, now I know why so many people are crazy about it. 🙂

  2. now HERE’S something to celebrate!! chag sameach! (sorta 😉 )

    i cannot believe i did not know of this holiday! thank you for enlightening us… yet again. 🙂

    big love, einsof

  3. Wow! Did not know about this day either! Well I received my Kit 2 for the Natural Perfumery Institute course in Natural Perfumery today so that is my special event for today! I have a host of new oils to sniff and appreciate!

  4. I did not know about this either! Thanks Anya. Now I have a perfect excuse to work on that new blend idea I’ve had for the last few months(but was waiting for some supplies first). I did enjoy the scent of the petunias and dianthus I planted in a planter on my porch this afternoon and into the evening(my habit of reading/drinking tea/watching the sunset on my porch every afternoon I’m home).


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