Coming back to blog here again!
Hyacinth tincture, signifying springtime renewal
In December of 2012 I stopped posting my blog here and instead transferred the existing archive of these blog posts over to my websites at both and .
Well who's to say people can't change their mind and want to reverse an action? It was quite an effort to find a way to log back in here and it took me quite a while but here I am! I will shortly begin the laborious test of bringing the blog posts from 2012 to 2020 back here.
The reason they only go to 2020 is because in April of 2020 I finished the very laborious job of redesigning my perfume course website and we all really sunk into the pandemic and I just decided to take it easy and look to other interests for a while. We all dealt with it in our own separate ways mine was still perfume related but not so much as being in the public eye . In the future I will duplicate my blogs on all three sites. Check back often and even better yet subscribe to this blog so you can read all of my ramblings, educational tips, and general or focused views on natural perfumery.
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