Perfumers Relief Aid - for those in our community affected by superstorm Sandy

Perfumers Relief Aid - for those in our community affected by Superstorm Sandy:

If you could share this  it would be appreciated.  If you have alternate ideas on how to publicize this effort, I would welcome hearing from you. The information in this email is also at

Hello Everyone in the perfume and aromatherapy community:

Do you know a perfumer who lives in the area devastated by Superstorm Sandy?  If you are in contact with them, let them know about this.  We're collecting their names and addresses to try to bring them some joy in the upcoming holiday season.

I've been suffering from PTSD since Sandy hit the Northeast.  As a repeat hurricane 'victim' living in Miami, I identified and empathized with those whose lives are disrupted by that monster storm.  I felt helpless, other than donating to the Red Cross.  I had a brainstorm this morning after reading a New York perfumers account of her studio being destroyed by the storm.  There is something I can do, and something the perfume and aromatherapy community can do to raise their spirits and help replenish their aromatics.  Even if a perfumer hasn't had their studio flooded or destroyed, they have PTSD, and they need an emotional lift. As President of the Natural Perfumers Guild, I know many of the perfume community members, and they know me, and I can reach out to all perfumers and suppliers to donate.  So, here's what I plan:

1.  Send donations of well-labeled perfume materials, either 100% natural or aromachemicals.  For this project, we're not Republican or Democrat, natural perfumer or one who uses synthetics - we're all part of the perfumer community.  In fact, I have some isolates I can't use because of the Guild vote, and I'll pack them up for perfumers who do use them.  Can only donate samples of raw materials? When I turned 50 and wanted to restart my perfume company, I purchased 50 samples of essential oils and absolutes and they gave me months of joy evaluating them and getting my nose in gear, so even samples (1ml or so) will be welcome.  I'll make sure that all PRA packages are a good mix of samples and bottles of all types of aromatics, from the ordinary (eg. orange) to the sublime (eg. rose, etc.).

2.  Donations can be sent until Dec. 10th.  Guild Manager Elise Pearlstine and I will pack them up as holiday gifts and include a list of donors.  These packages of gift materials are intended to raise the spirits of the perfumers affected by the storm and let them know the rest of the community is thinking of them!  All packaging and shipping costs will be donated by the Guild.

3.  Aromatherapy supplies are also welcome.  If you have an aromatherapy blend or perfume that you created for stress relief, please include that in your donation.  My Temple perfume was created for that purpose, and I'll include some in every gift.  Some perfumers may also need mold and mildew-fighting oils like tea tree, lemon eucalyptus and other such so that they can create sprays for their walls and affected areas.  Please donate those if you have them.  When the perfumers who write to be on the gift list include information that they have a mold or mildew problem, I'll include those products in their shipment.  Small spray bottles will also be appreciated.

4.  Please spread the word about this Perfumers Relief Aid.  So many perfumers work in isolation, investing in their businesses, and sometimes never connecting with others in the art. Sandy could be devastating to them. Let's show the perfumers in the NE that the community cares, and help them by bringing them some fragrant joy during this time of recovery.


Shipments can be made to:

The Natural Perfumers Guild
attn:  Anya McCoy
126 NW 98th St.
Miami Shores, FL.  33150 USA

Any NE perfumers reading this, please send your address information and any other information, such as if you are a 100% natural perfumer, or if you use aromachems or if you have a mold or mildew problem to


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