Room Candy - the ultimate recyclable 100% natural room fragrance

I love, love, love my soon-to-be-launched Room Candy ambient fragrance line for some many reasons!  First, it's 100% natural, with just beeswax and essential oils or absolutes for fragrance. Second, it's the ultimate recyclable product.

I put together this quick little photo montage to illustrate that 1. You melt the little flower wax tarts, getting the fragrance into your home  2. After it's given upmost of its scent, you can put it into a cloth or pouch and use it to scent your drawers or closets, or, 3., Use it to recondition wood chopping boards, furniture or even to bind together the ends of frayed rope (an ancient use for it).

Can you think of any other uses?  Please share.   PS the packaging is recyclable, too!


  1. I wonder if you could take the used melt and and a carrier oil to make a moisturizing salve or lotion bar? I would guess it in part depends on the oils and absolutes used for the different scents and what amount remains in the beeswax after use.

  2. I had sort of the same idea; but to use it in solid perfumes.


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