Ask the Perfumer - Sunday, July 8, 2012 - until 10 PM EST

Ask the Perfumer is taking the day off to care for the parched plants in the garden and to TCB.  See you next week!


  1. Hi Anya, Hope you can help with my infolessness frustration. I think I have bought all the wrong books.
    I have an obsession to try and create my own fragrances using incense, but I don't like the end product of alcohol. So I am wondering since tincturing seems to be the natural and fastest way of obtaining fragrance from resins, spices, etc., is if you can take a tincture and make it into a mostly oil fragrance. Or are there books on the subject of making oil fragrances from plants/resins etc. (actually any books)??
    Many thanks, J

  2. Maybe there really are stupid questions. Any direction would be appreciated, Aloha, Jes

  3. Hi J

    Please ask these on Sundays between 10 and 10 PM. Thanks.



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