Ask the Perfumer - Sunday, June 10, 2012 - until 10 PM EST

I never can get enough of these tiny, highly-fragrant Aglaia odorata flowers!  They're blooming right now in hot, hot, humid Miami, and will bloom just about once a month.
The Ask the Perfumer forum is open for questions until 10 PM ET today.  Any question about perfumery, from raw materials to making tinctures, supplies, etc., is welcome.


  1. Can anise hyssop be used to make a perfume ingredient? I have loads growing in my gardens because they attract bees and butterflys and I just adore the licorace scent! I think it is the leaves that smell more than the flowers - but I am not certain. I was at the store yesterday, and noticed grain alcohol, so I assume that is what I would use if a tincture is the method. Sue

  2. Sure, you can tincture anything that you like, except for poisonous materials like daphne or datura.

    Use 190 proof alcohol, and allow the leaves/flowers to wilt a bit before adding them to the alcohol.

    After the tincturing process is done, you'll have to conduct your own evaluations on how the material works in perfumes.


  3. What plants would you say should be requirements for a perfumer's garden? I am really interested in starting a garden to harvest for my perfume projects.


  4. Hi Rachel:

    There are a lot of factors to consider first:

    1. What climate zone do you live in?
    2. How large is your growing space?
    3. Do you have time to take care of a garden and harvest in a timely manner?
    4. Do you have the money to invest in the jars/alcohol/distillation equipment, etc?

    That's a good start for a checklist. Minnesota has very different fragrant plants from California, so consider your locale first.



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