Frankincense Friday - "Old Lady" Mughsayl (black) Frankincense

Trygve Harris of Enfleurage sent me a series of photographs of frankincense trees from different locales in Oman.  Very intriguing are the ones she calls "Old Lady" trees.  Below are some photos of them, and a photo of some recently-harvested resin from them.

Here's what she wrote about these Old Lady trees:  These trees are over the hill from the first pictures I sent. It's still humid--still gets the mist in the summer, but less so. It's protected. These are the Old Lady trees. These ones are strong and fierce

From her first frankincense newsletter, sent on Feb. 22, 2012:

 Fresh and oozy Mughsayl (Black) frankincense from the coastal mountains west of Salalah.

This is my personal favorite. If you are distilling your own, this is probably your best choice.  

It's got a rich snappy sparkle, and glittering pinenes with just a dash of orange.  

It's the one I'm talking about when i talk about the Old Lady Trees. This lovely luban is from the monsoon areas, also characterized by high humidity and proximity to the sea.   

This is the best season for Mughsayl (pronounced mug-sail) frankincense. Although available sporadically throughout the year, now it's plentiful and fresh.  

$25 kg  
You can contact her for more information.


  1. Thanks Anya for the interesting post on Frankincense. Appreciate the pics!

  2. IMHO opinion this is the best Frankincense I have ever smelled especially it's orange scent accent. This is not the usual Camphor-y lemony frankincense you get ever where. Thanks for sharing the photos.

  3. That last photo looks like something alien! LOL! Sounds like it smells delicious though.


  4. I find it hard to express what I feel when I see these pictures. It's something so deep, so reverent; it fills me with an awe that seems can only be defined on the level of the soul. I wish I could be there...

  5. Ahh, another reason to love Fridays. Thank you so much for filling my Friday with frankincense dreams and introductions to new and wonderful things. Frankinense is awe-inspiring. How is your little tree doing?

  6. Thanks for your comment, Karen. I have lots more photos to share in upcoming Frankincense Fridays. I must say that the oozy (is that a word?) photo that Trygve sent in her latest newsletter prompted me to show the Old Ladies and their orangey scented frank.


  7. Hi Hisham
    You're in Miami Beach, right? We're collecting emails and phone numbers of locals who might be interested in a meetup for aromatics. You can send me a private email if you wish. Trygve wrote, and she saw the post, and I'm going to get some of the orange-scented frank. How unusual and intriguing!


  8. Brian - going for the weird. I'm right there with you, LOL!


  9. Dear Aseyah:

    Spoken like a true lover of nature and natural fragrances! Have you touched base with Sophia yet?



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