StarFlower and MoonDance from Anya's Garden Perfumes Reviewed on Perfume Shrine - comment and you may win samples

Elena at Perfume Shrine reviewed MoonDance and StarFlower from Anya's Garden Perfumes, and if you leave a comment, you will be entered in a drawing to win samples - click here to read and enter


  1. I'm loving Lucy's and Elena's , and Maria's effusive responses to your newest works ;-)

    It's about time.

    These are hair-raisingly gorgeous, like an 'orgy in a bottle'.

    Thank you SO much for letting me sniff 'em !

    [[[[[ Anya ]]]]]

  2. Dear Ida:

    Honey, I knew you'd get them. ;-)

    Thanks for being such an educated nose and faithful friend from the beginning.

    Must add that I'm happy that you'll know when and what bottle to reach for when the "O" needs hit! LOL


  3. Ida, you were quoted last week at a lunch - soft of. I was lunching with two Guild members and a Rasta friend. The restaurant was raucous and so were we, a Jew (me), the Rasta, a Mormon and a Christian. We were discussing your 'orgy in a bottle quote'. ;-)

    So I said, did anybody hear this joke? A Jew, a Rasta, a Mormon and a Christian go into a bar and ask for an orgy in a bottle. I guess you had to be there, but our laughs really jived up our end of the restaurant! Then we all had a spritz of StarFlower.


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