Perfume is a Luxury that is a Necessity and Timing is Everything

The dreamy, sensual image above is the chosen graphic for one of my two new perfumes, MoonDance. It's one of the few images I've used that aren't either a collage piece of art that I created or a photograph I took. I just fell in love with it when I saw it, and it snapped me right out of the mindset I was in, with rather literal images of people dancing under a full moon.

I also believe that the image helps a person imagine the gossamer beauty of a perfume, wafting and swirling up off their skin, an item of delight - and don't we all need a little delight right now? As my friend Chris said "I refuse to participate in this recession." You might not be able to buy a new car, or you're worried about your job, but a recent article - or two or three - have pointed out that perfume and lipstick are two luxuries women refuse to give up when the economy tanks.

I've decided to push back the launch of MoonDance, and it's accompanying launch partner, StarFlower until after the New Year. True to the ladies loving luxury, I'm overbooked with custom perfumery work, and holding of on some consultation work because there just aren't enough hours in the day. Loving perfumery as I do, I refuse to skip corners or rush things along.

Here's a look at the photo for StarFlower perfume. It's a photo I took several years ago of the single-flowered tuberose I grow in my garden. It's so dreamy and hazy and yet so commanding looking in its solitary splendor. I may retweak the labels I'm using for this because I want to crop the image in closer. Tell me what you think about the images because for once I'm not waiting until the launch to reveal the images. I just wanted to share them with everyone. You can twitter or find me on Facebook - oh, and here on Facebook, too - a new group I added today. Oh, if you click on the image of the Vietnamese gardenia on my twitter page, it open in a page at its full size - glorious! I took that photo a few months ago and use it on each page of my (hush - not officially launched yet) new website. Its at the bottom of the menu on the new website, but I do love it in all it's white flower showiness as seen on twitter, don't you?

Of course, Vietnamese gardenia tincture is in StarFlower, and heck, I may change the image of StarFlower to that because it really is yummy, isn't it?


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