Celebrating Obama's Election - the Natural Perfumery Group on Yahoo is Blending up a Celebratory Perfume - Naturally!

The photo that has graced the main page of the Yahoo Natural Perfumery Group for six years

The Natural Perfumery Group on Yahoo that I host has a fun project just beginning. Some of us were posting today about how elated we are about Obama's election, and we decided to do something to celebrate - create a perfume in honor of the new era his presidency will usher in. Not sure how many will participate, since we just started posting about it a few hours ago, but I'm sure it will be international in scope, since the members - almost 1700 of them at this time - come from countries all over the globe.

Evie - Selkie - posted a deliriously happy note about the election to the group that Adam picked up on, and I said something to the effect that this would be a wonderful extension of our artistic and emotional response to the election if we created a perfume. Here are the suggestions I threw out to get us started:

Why don't we turn this into a group project?
We could have worldwide participation here!

We could brainstorm on the aromatics that best represent the new era and the celebration.

Those who wish to participate could commit to a blending group to swap our mods.

That way we could see what everyone else is coming up with.

I think it would be a lot of fun!

I have a Perfume Brief form I use for my students I could upload when
we're ready.

You'd fill in the form, upload it back here so everyone could access it
at anytime, and start the swaps.

Participants could enter their names and addresses in a database phone book I'd set up here.

It could be an incredible, bonding, fragrant project!

First, we need a name for it - I just tossed out Obama New Era, but that is rather weak. I'd like to hear what others think, and we could vote on it, then work out the aromatics, and then get to creating a perfume in
honor of the new era.

Goodness, the communal hippie side of me is showing ;-) Let the blending and bonding and swapping begin!


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