
Perfumer, you don’t know what you’re missing until you get it

 Originally published Feb 1, 2013 There is an easy process to use in the tincture or perfume-making process that isn’t in any of the books.  Many of us have extensive perfume and industry-related books in our library, which are especially valuable since many of us are self-taught.  There is one secret process, a very easy one, that I have not found in any of my books, read about online, or even heard hinted about.  Next week, as an early Valentine’s Day present, the Natural Perfumery Institute and the Natural Perfumers Guild will publish a white paper defining this process.  It will be available to anyone, for free. Alchemist pondering the mysteries of the process Many of us relate to the alchemist in the process of creating a new synergy.  Even the helper and the black cat under the chair seem to be involved!  The process we’ll be detailing in the paper will actually be chemistry for the non-chemist.  With just a few pieces of inexpensive equipment, you will be able, whether you use 1

Perfume Samples from Anya’s Garden – Your Opinions and Ideas and a Giveaway

 Originally published Jan. 18, 2013 Let’s take a walk down memory lane of my sample packaging today and there’s a chance for someone who leaves a comment, with either an opinion or an idea for the interior “stuff” I’m finding I want to change to win a sample box of all my 11 perfumes. Over the years, I’ve changed out my sample bottles and packaging several times.  Did you know when I first offered samples I packaged them in seed packets made from recycled paper? I used my Fairchild collage on the label, circa 2006.  The black is the background I saved the label on, it’s not the color of the seed packets, they were white, and they never had a black border.  I’ll have to find an old one and scan it. The samples, once inserted, made the packet lumpy.  Still, it fits in the “Garden” theme and worked well until I decided to change. ETA:  I forgot about the recycled paper boxes embedded with wildflower seeds! Yikes, I had completely forgotten about them until some folks left comments.  I use