Perfumers, Bath and Body Makers - On July 4, 2011 - the USA government released the Safe Cosmetics Act, which will greatly hinder your small cosmetics business

The Natural Perfumers Guild is in opposition to the Safe Cosmetics Act in the form released on July 4, 2011 

 image from Essential Wholesale blog

Kayla Fioravanti of Essential Wholesale has been at the forefront of a group of small-business advocates, including Donna Marie Johnson of Indie Beauty and others who have visited Washington, lobbied for appropriate legislation for microbusinesses, and generally, looked out for the rights of owners of small businesses that create soaps, perfumes and body card products.  Early on, I was involved also, and had to drop out of the effort due to burn out, plain and simple.  Thank God for the women who carried on the good cause.

Please read about the Opposition to the Small Cosmetics Act here on Kayla's blog and dig deeper, into her well-annotated comments on the bill.


  1. Maggie Mahboubian7/05/2011 9:17 AM

    Natural perfumers need representation! Anyone able to step up to the plate? I'm happy to do whatever I can on the West coast. Kayla's commentary is comprehensive, very well thought out and should be read by everyone. I thought this bill was going to be revised but it looks as though they just rehashed the 2010 Safe Cosmetics Act.

  2. I cannot believe this came around again. I thought this was going to be revised also.

    Imagine what the ingredient list will look like..consider the costs of the government and the small one wins here..

    This is alarming and must be stopped.


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